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The Link Between Anxiety and Depression Disorder

While depression is often considered a low energy state and anxiety is considered a high energy state, anxiety and depression are more related than people think. Inside, a depressed person often experiences a lot of anxiety – even leading to panic attacks. Of course, having panic attacks can itself be a depressing thing. Any lack of control within our lives can contribute to depression. The Link Between Anxiety and Depression Disorder Anxiety and depression disorder often occur together. But when a person has both depression and anxiety, both disorders are worse than when alone.Anxiety and depression disorders are not the same although there are similar elements. Depression generates emotions such as hopelessness, despair and anger. Energy levels are usually very low, and depressed people often feel overwhelmed by the day-to-day tasks and personal relationships so essential to life. A person with anxiety disorder, however, experiences fear, panic or anxiety in situations where most people would not feel anxious or threatened. The sufferer may experience sudden panic or anxiety attacks without any recognized trigger, and often lives with a constant nagging worry or anxiousness. Without treatment, anxiety and depression disorders can restrict a person's ability to work, maintain relationships, or even leave the house. Both anxiety and depression treatment are similar, which may explain why the two disorders are so often confused. Antidepressant medication is often used for anxiety and depression and behavioral therapy frequently helps people overcome both conditions

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